Will HIGH RATED APPS be the engine for financial institutions growth?
The mobile banking service, that is, the one offered by financial institutions through their mobile apps, seems to be gaining more users among other channels.
These types of applications have become so popular that there are institutions that have more than 50% of their client portfolio digitized.
But it is not just about having a mobile application …
For your institution to be able to achieve successful results, it is necessary to have an app that contributes to the competitiveness of your entity, and above all, that meets the needs and demands of its own users.
Results that speak for themselves:
the success stories of Bankingly apps
- The case of ALNAP:
The National Association of Savings and Loans (ALNAP) is a Financial Institution that has been operating in the Dominican Republic for over 50 years, and thanks to its almost 1(one) thousand collaborators, has been recognized as one of the strongest institutions in the financial sector at a local and regional level.
ALNAP already had digital channels, but they decided to migrate from the platform they had to a newer one with higher quality and security standards. With these criteria, they chose to work together with Bankingly.
The reception of the new digital channels by their users was a success, which allowed ALNAP to multiply the number of digital users by X5 compared to its previous channels, as well as double the number of new registered users per month.
The satisfaction with the app can be seen in Google Play, through the 2624 reviews and the average rating of 4.8, far higher than the Dominican market average of 3.9.
- The case of Coopealianza:
They are one of the main financial institutions in Costa Rica with more than 50 years of experience. With the support of its associates, the entity managed to position itself as a market leader and today operates with more than 50 branches throughout the country.
In this case, Coopealianza reached a total of 1476 reviews and an average rating of 4.7, widely surpassing the market average of 3.8.
These reviews are key factors for the improvement in the results that Coopealianza has obtained since the launch of its channels. The most remarkable were: an 11% increase in money saved within the institution, a 12% increase in loans granted, and a significant 45% reduction in costs in branches.
Regardless of the country…
Among the more than 50 apps that are published today, the average rating in the Play Store of Bankingly’s clients’ applications is 4.6, which is excellent for the financial applications category.
This number becomes even more relevant if we consider that the general average score of all the apps of the Financial Institutions that don’t use Bankingly, in the countries where it operates, is 3.9 stars (this information is public and comes from the Google Play platform).
Your institution could be the next to achieve these results!
We invite you to click here to schedule a demo so we can talk and discuss your case.
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